Best One Country System?

If you were to build a system from products originating from one country, what would you have in your system? Being from Canada, I was amazed at what great companies we have to choose from. Not having heard any of these products (a bit too pricey for me...but we can all dream!), this would be my CANADIAN system:

Amp/Preamp: Classe Audio (Bryston would be my second choice)
Cd Source: EMM Labs
Speakers: Verity Audio (Sarastro; Parsafal, etc)
PC's/Interconnects: Virtual Dynamics Revelation(made in, of all places, Barrhead, backyard!)

I'm guessing this system would sound good, if not spectacular! I'm curious what other ONE COUNTRY systems others can come up with....

OK, too many choices so I am sure other people would not agree with everything, but if I got to pick just what I wanted from Germany it would be:

- Transrotor Gravita Record Player
- Lindemann 820 CD/SACD
- Tidal Preos Preamp, Impact power amp
- Tidal Contriva Diacera (the Sunray is just too big)
- Racks from Finite Elemente or Copulare
- Burmester Power Conditioner
- Cables by HMS

Thinking about it, there would also be the small company "Horch" for a transport/DAC and pre/monoblock set.
Of course there are many other contenders, like Brinkmann for Record Player and amps etc...spoiled for choices really!


You're right...... Sony is Japanese..... I didn't know what I was thinking last night. I didn't catch the error until after I have printed the thread out and logged offline for the evening. But otherwise, the rest of the system is American.

If you want only the northeast in north america then
merlin for speakers
vpi for tt
grado for cartridge
simaudio for preamp and power amp
the phono I can't think of, as for me I own all these superb brands and the e.a.r. 834p