Best POP audiophile recording/album...

Famous Blue Raincoat - Jennifer Warnes.

This is one of the best recorded/sounding 'POP' albums out there...

or do you know of one to beat this /one/?

Dewald Visser
Which version of Famous Blue Raincoat - Jennifer Warnes do you have? My version does not sound that great ie: flat & lack in dynamics. I must have a very early version.
BTW, my current vote for the best Pop "audiophile" CD recording is Folk is the New Black - Janis Ian.
For those familar with Janis Ian, IMO this is one of her best to-date, great songwriting/singing & a 1st rate recording as well. At least equal or better than Breaking Silence.
I love Janis Ian, but "great singing?" You can't mean her voice. Maybe her passion?
What's the deal with Jennifer Warnes Blue Raincoat? I have the recording and it is truly audiophile quality. But the choice of material. Uggh, IMHO..
Hey Warrenh,
I have grown to enjoy Janis Ian "great singing", yes I meant her voice as well. She's does not have the "best" voice but again YMMV. If I were to compare Janis to say Jennifer Warnes, they are of a different league as far as I 'm concern. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy both singers but if I were to choose, it won't be difficult.
Not the best,yet recorded very well...
Rosanne Cash "Rules of Travel" comes to mind at the moment.
"Life on a String" gets even better through HDCD decode.
XTC -- Apple Venus or Oranges and Lemons. Can listen to either of these over and over.