What equipment do you most regret parting with??

Any audio equipment from speakers to phono stages...what do you wish you never gave up?
My B&W CDM1 speakers. Sexy looking and good sounding, I'd love to have them in my second system today.
Dynaco amp. Bought it for a tenner and sold for a hundred. What was I thinking?
My Impulse H1 horn loudspeakers that are In another continent.
A tear In my eye.
Eico HF-60's. It had great tubes and I did a few upgrades like RCA's, Speaker terminals,removed input pot and put in some better caps.

SOTA Saphire with SME tonearm and Grace Ruby cartridge. Sold it for $100!!!!!!!!

Why? Because I was STUPID.

I like the TT I have now better (Linn LP12), but still, the stupidity still staggers me.