Has anyone lost their best friend?

I have been blessed by the companionship of a Weimaraner/Doberman mix who was with us for 10 years. He loved to sit on the couch with me and listen to music. The loss of
his companionship has left a void that I was not ready for.
For what it may be worth in comforting you. Dogs are one of God's best creations. The love unconditionally. We could learn from them on what true love really is. When my best buddy goes, it will devistate me. I thank God for giving him to me for this short time. We have a pact that if he goes first he will be there waiting for me, and if I go first I will come get him when he needs me.
If love could have saved your friend, he would have lived forever.
As a dog owner my whole life (currently have 3) I have loved and unfortunately lost a number in my 51 years. Each loss hurts so terribly, it seems unbearable.

An old country vet told me something many years ago when we had to put my beloved "Booker" down. She was 15 and had begun to suffer. This old vet looked me in the eye and said

"dogs don't fear death- that's a human affliction. This girl is old and sick, and to leave this world is a natural and intuitive part of her life's path. Your job as her buddy is to let her go calmly and peacefully""

Sure, it seems obvious, but I found comfort in the fact that she didn't fear her end as she left me.

Hang in there buddy. That love never leaves as long as YOU'RE still alive.
I can also relate...

We lost Dune (gave him that name because we found him on the beach - lifeguard brought one of the pups with him to work one day), a German Shepherd in 2001 after 16.5 years.

Things come full circle as we found Scout at a championship breeder almost 2 years ago. She was a rescue dog, as the home where they originally placed her was just crazy. It's been a lot of work getting her to trust us, but the end result is worth it. My father was DEAD SET AGAINST us getting another dog in the most angry of ways, as he felt Dune couldn't be replaced. That all went up in smoke in about 2 milliseconds when he saw that she looks EXACTLY like Dune, except for the fact that she's twice as big. It's uncanny...
Great post dapom, thanks for sharing your story. I'm guessing that many of those reading this thread have already given they're pets a bit more TLC today...I know I have.

Yep, 2 weeks ago, 3 legged black lab named Coltrane. Running and listening companion. Requiescat in pace.