Favorite Female vocals that give you goose bumps

My current favorites are Eva Cassidy's "The water is wide" and "Autumn Leaves", Kiki Dee's "Take my breath away" and Ella Fitzgerald's "Angel eyes" and "Lush life".
Jennifer Charles, The group: Elysian Fields The CD: Bleed Your Cedar
This gal has a sultry, sexy, voice that haunts you in its own unique way. And surprise very well recorded. If your looking for a new adventure and female vocalist with a dark twist, this might be it. The bass on this recording has to be heard.
Nicole Atkins, in whose voice you can hear traces of Edith Piaf, Mama Cass Elliot, and Roy Orbison. Needless to say, those first two belong in this discussion, also.
And don't overlook Marlene Dietrich, whose "Lili Marlene" is outstanding in English, even better in German.
Tierney Sutton singing "Something Cool". A tattered raincoat of regrets.

Also, in a slightly different vein, listen to her version of "Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead". It's very...ummmm...well, it ain't Garland, that's for sure.
Not goosebumps exactly but I love the chick's decadent laugh in the surf guitar classic "Church Key" by The Revels.

I love the tune itself as well! Cowabunga!!!!

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