Top 50 audiophile magazines to be reviewed in?

I have my top 50 tweaks that I want reviewed, so should I spread it out and send to 50 different audiophile magazines? Which ones do you recommend? If they are in other languages it is fine too.
Or should I send multiple tweaks to the same reviewer so they can make a comparison? What is the best choice?

I have planned to wait until the first magazine review comes out (any day now), then I will show the other magazines that review so they take my tweaks seriously and want to review.
50've been busy! I can only think of a few published magazines which will be on everyones list, Hi-Fi, Stereophile, Absolute Sound and Home Theatre (which is debate-able as an Audiophile), and that's all I know of. But the cave is dark and Tv reception is poor...OH!!...hey look I have internet! Sorry,but I only know of the English mags, I know there are many foreign mags published, but I never read them, the photography is too poor quality:)
Try writing and submitting an article to one of the on-line mags. I can't think of 5 tweaks, so 50 is impressive.
