$1,000 to spend on room treatment....

My new room 21*13*7 has very bad acoustic: flutter echo of hell (a solid 2 seconds of metallic echo for each clapping of hands), bass resonance and probably more that hides being the first 2 but that will become noticeable later on. I have a max of $1,000 to spend to treat it and already own 4 fiberglass panels 2*4 that I can use to treat mids and diffuse. What do you suggest - price when new to be consistent? There are some room kits that seem to fit the bill (www.primacoustic.com) but I need guidance on this. Tks.
Thanks. As much as Rives Level 1 and DIY would be the way to go for what I understand, I have neither the time nor the skills nor the money to do it ($1,000 should cover the products too, not just the analysis). I am hoping that my $1,000 well spent will do it about right. Apologies to you out there thinking that this could be a total waste...I think I understand the basic concepts of absorption, diffusion, etc enough so I can avoid the common pitfalls of buying $1,000 of half-round bass traps and killing my room for ever.
Also, my dealer has just gone through the building of a room about my size (higher ceiling) and can give me free advices on treatment placement and types. So my question is how to best spend $1,000 on already made products as the dealer got his from a brand that I cannot afford....
Tks anyway for the suggestions, I wish I could Rive and build!!!!!
This week is Montreal audio show and I have been told that there are skilled folks who can do the consulting piece for $150, $200 and they come to my place (the beauty of the CDN economy)..that leaves me $800...
evaluate speaker placement, furniture, rugs and curtains before you spend too much on treatment tweeks.
Brian @ sensiblesoundsolutions did consulting by phone and email for me at no charge per se including analysis of my in-room freq. measurements ; recommended appropriate treatments using the same components many of the higher priced commercial treatments(e.g. Owens Corning 703/705 & Guilford of Maine custom cloth), and shipped my custom made pieces unfinished. I ordered Guildford cloth directly and saved $$$ by cutting and stapling the fabric here. This gave me a nice compromise between DIY and "whole hog" retail products. I spent just under $1k, and feel I've the equivalent of a $4k-$5k Rives installation.
Good luck whatever you do. Treating your room is a wise investment IMHO. Cheers,
Sbank: your solution may be what I am looking for, I will inquire. I also agree with Stehno that I must optimise the "furniture" piece and rug as my room is virtually empty for now (an Ikea chair and an office grade synthetic carpet, nothing else - and that ain't neither much nor good acoustic solution!).

FWIW, I've heard the results Sbank achieved in his room with his mix of custom and diy effort: simply outstanding. Brian @ sensiblesoundsolutions certainly allowed Sbank to accomplish a very positive transformation of his listening space at a very reasonable cost.