New Tubes- Need Burn-In?

Hey guys- a question.

I just put a new matched quad of Electro Harmonix KT-88EH in my Cayin A-88T Integrated. I properly biased the amp, and after a couple of hours of warm up there is still a touch of "glare" or hardness evident.

I know these brand new tubes need time to burn long a wait is reasonable before I decide whether the EH tubes are the ticket or not? Any tips on what to expect?

Let em cook overnight and by morning if they still sound louzy they ain't gettin any better..........
I had a pair of EH EH-34s that never got rid of their glare, and from what I've read, that's not uncommon. My advice is to get the Svetlanas -- I did, and the problem was solved immediately w/no "break-in."
If in a day or two, the glare is still there, I'd switch to a different brand. The one word I would use to describe all of the EH tubes I've tried is glare-o-rama.