HDTV transmitter/antenna information

I recently bought a HD receiver for my Direct TV and want to hook up an outdoor antenna to receive local networks etc.

I am having difficulty finding good information on what antenna to use and if it is likely that I could even receive HD from my location in Kalamazoo Michigan.

My receiver is a HR10-250 for Direct TV.

Any websites that can help? I have searched the archives on Agon and googled but no real answer.

ANY info is appreciated


GOTO: WWW.TERK.COM and then to bottom of home page

or www.antennaweb.org/aw/Address.aspx

Hope you have an outdoor antennta because
indor models don't work that well (at least for me).
I don't know the Kalamzoo area (except that Gibson made guitars there in the 60's, and now Heritage uses the facilities), but you need a good line-of-sight from your antenna to the HD transmiter antenna. Depending on antenna height and transmitter power, 30-40 miles is about the best you'll be able to do on distance. The HD transmitter is not always co-located with the main station transmitter.

Your local HD TV stations probably have web sites. Check these out and look for high def info. You can also call the engineer at each station descibing your location and asking for recommendations, or send him/her an email.