As twisted as it sounds to say this, don't ignore places like Goodwill, or St Vincent DePaul. My brother-in-law got a pair of B&W Matrix 1 for $8.00!
The problem you are going to have is knowing good from bad, oh wait that's a different sermon. You need to do some homework or you're going to have to depend on the kindness of strangers... an often precarious situation.
There are good deals to be had, but how will you know before you pull the trigger?!?
Good luck.
The problem you are going to have is knowing good from bad, oh wait that's a different sermon. You need to do some homework or you're going to have to depend on the kindness of strangers... an often precarious situation.
There are good deals to be had, but how will you know before you pull the trigger?!?
Good luck.