Quicksilver Contact Enhancer

Hi any body tryed the above, I bought the one from Xreme AV LLC, cant say that I am happy so far I know they say to be patient and wait 21 days Iam going on 5 days, It has seem to increase the volume of the sound and it has made everything sound bright at decent volume, I had my system to a point where I was realy happy, but we always wont more and the theory makes sense and I hope I will stick it out, just interested if any body else been through the same thing and was the outcome worth the wait? or do I wipe it off and send it back!they say there never had a return!
Thanks Kel
I found it works great for video espicially RF connectors , but not for Audio, it masks the sound.
I am no longer surprised by everyones diff experiences with equipment or tweeks --I have used quick sil gold and at first was hesitent --so I just did one piece at a time --ie the pins on my interface for my stats--sound became cleaner and more detailed--same experience with ic and speaker cable --not sure about pwr cords yet --but agree did take 3wks to settle in -- system seemed to play louder but I never got any real bright sound --in my experience it has been a more than worthwhile tweek and def worth the money--rich
I think the key is to use the lightest possible dusting of the stuff.

When I first used it I put it on like a very light coat of paint.

I think this is too much, and what causes much time for break in.

Try to make it look like there is just a fine dusting of powder and see if your results are better. I believe this enhancer works at such a molecular level and that less is all that is needed.

I only use it on things that won't get disconnected for a long time, like cartridge pins, fuses, etc.

I seem to unplug AC often enough that it would have to be cleaned off, but I have used it on IEC prongs.

WHen I wired up some outlets, I did use it on the wires before attaching to the terminals.

I would really love to try it on my tube pins, but the manufacturer has warned me not to do so, due to the potential for arcing or heat related effects. I have talked with one owner of my same amps that has had no problems using it.

I think the super light dusting method would probably be okay on tube pins.
Anyone use this on tube pins?

Quicksilver seems to have the electrical conduction measurements to back up their claims, which is a rarity for this business.

How does one use it in their circuit breakers? I'd really like to try that.
I have used it on the tube pins with superb effect and can say that you haven't heard your tube amp yet!!When you apply it just do the top 1/3 or 1/2 of the pin, this will not allow migration of the QS into the tube base.The images and dynamics will become very very dimensional.I just did my electrical outlets and pulled my breaker box wires and circuit breaker.I was able to completely disconnect power from my box and would only do this if one can shut down the electricity!!! You should talk to an electrician for the best info ( it is simple but has some real danger if done poorly).Hope this Helps Dennis
Andy at Vintage Tube Services is adamant against using it on tube pins. Says the pressure of the sockets is more than sufficient and the goop cannot enhance sonics any further.

That's good enough for me.

With many tweaks, we hear what we want to hear.