Help shipping a speaker over seas

I'm in the process of shipping a pair of monitors overseas and getting a bit worried on all the things that potentially can go wrong once the parcel is out of my hands.

Any shipping tips or must do's that would help alleviate my concerns that I should consider
The speakers are approx 40lbs each and 12x10x9

Any relevant opinions very much appreciated
Yup the faster the shipping the better for speakers. Triple boxing? should be fine. FedEx express did a fine job with a pair of 240lb speakers I shipped over seas..they arrived without a scratch.
First of all, please kindly consider what country are you going to ship that speakers. I would assumed you are sending an expensive pair of speakers. So make sure the buyer will pay for import duty. Triple boxes? 40 lbs per box? It only helps a little unless you have protecting material between each box. Good luck
Here's a few more details as requested

I'm shipping these to Europe
I will be using styrofoam to protect the speakers for each box
The speakers MSRP is approx 4k
Use Bax Global. I shipped a pair of Wilson Duettes during the Winter to Hong Kong. They arrived without issue in 2 days and cost less than shipping via UPS ground to California (from Michigan). The shipment was one crate at over 100 pounds. This is exactly where BAX specializes and they do an excellent job, fast, reliable and reasonably priced. For what it is worth, we ship all of our (my company's) equipment for the optical disc industry to Mexico vis BAX Global and have never once had any damage or lost shipments.
Also, I would definately use wooden crates, especially since they are likely to be opened for customs inspections. Cardboard won't do (at the very minimum line the inside of the outer cardboard box with 1/4" plywood on all sides). Secondly, I would avoid using the US Post Office under virtually any circumstances. It could be months before they arrive.