VH Audio Vcaps

First listening session with Vcaps in Cayin phono stage tonight. Within 15 minutes listening to music rather than analyzing sound.

Its not often I'm blown away by equipment and/or mods, this is an exception! I won't even go into detail on improvements in this post, suffice to say these caps are damn good! And I've heard a lot of caps. For all the modders out there, you've got to try these caps, they have a deservedly high reputation.
I've used them as coupling caps in all my tube gear.

The initial few hours can be a little harsh, as it burns in it gets smoother, and more detailed. Most of the change is the first 100 hours or so, but noticable improvements at 3-400 hours as well.

Its an equivalent improvement to a component change.

Look for Humble Homemade Hifi's cap test for comparison to other well known caps.

John C.
The V-Caps are astounding! I replaced the coupling caps in my BAT VK-75SE and the increase in detail and articulation was just amazing right out of the gate. Yes, they are expensive, but IMHO they are also well worth it.

Any opinions on X-over caps....in this case for my Magnepan MG1.6s.......???
Keep in mind I am not rich!
Sns, While some complain that V-Cap TFT sounds awful without long break-in, I agree with you that this point is overstated. IME TFT surpasses most everything else almost immediately, and then progresses though a long break-in cycle to relax, open up, and gain warmth.

Magfan, I'm currently breaking in Claritycap MR in a higher capacitance value for xover. This has been a nice step up from stock Hovland, and according to Tony Gee's evaluation, MR ranks closely with other top xover caps such as Mundorf & Duelund. However they are physically very large.
I've tried many of the Teflon caps on the market. The V-CAP TFT are great but the Aura-Cap TFT is as good if not better. Third place I'd rate the REL TFT, a few steps further down would be appropriate for the Russian FT-3. And in absolute last place is the Russian K-72. Yes, there are other Teflon caps to explore but I have not tried them (Solen, Modwright etc. I did try the hybrid Cardas Teflon but this cap I did not like at all.