VH Audio Vcaps

First listening session with Vcaps in Cayin phono stage tonight. Within 15 minutes listening to music rather than analyzing sound.

Its not often I'm blown away by equipment and/or mods, this is an exception! I won't even go into detail on improvements in this post, suffice to say these caps are damn good! And I've heard a lot of caps. For all the modders out there, you've got to try these caps, they have a deservedly high reputation.
I've tried many of the Teflon caps on the market. The V-CAP TFT are great but the Aura-Cap TFT is as good if not better. Third place I'd rate the REL TFT, a few steps further down would be appropriate for the Russian FT-3. And in absolute last place is the Russian K-72. Yes, there are other Teflon caps to explore but I have not tried them (Solen, Modwright etc. I did try the hybrid Cardas Teflon but this cap I did not like at all.
I agree with your rating of REL TFT several steps down from V-Cap TFT. I was surprised to hear freshly installed V-Caps immediately surpass well broken-in REL TFT in my preamp. I've not yet tried Russian FT-series teflon caps in coupling positions, but have had good luck with them in bypass positions. FT-3s are physically large. For a more compact .11uf bypass cap, I've had good results with .1uf/400uf K40Y9 PIO bypassed by .01uf/200V FT-1 teflon. The steel leads of K40 should be cut off and replaced with better wire.
My Art Audio Carissa Sig. uses the Cardas Golden Ratio coupling caps. Reportedly, these have a wonderful midrange, rolled on top. When I first got this amp I did notice a bit of roll-off, with time and insertion of silver cables in various locations, this became less noticeable. Now I'm wondering whether I've just gotten used to the sound, or am I still rolling highs?

The caps would be a big hassle to change in this amp, would have to dismantle much to get to them. I'm inclined to stay put as I'm enjoying the sound.

Any thoughts on roll-off of highs with these caps?

By the way, just installed the Mundorf Silver/Oils as coupling caps in DAC today. Tonight's listening session should be interesting.
My issue with the Cardas caps is that they lack coherency, fluidity and refinement. I tried to improve upon them by experimenting with bypassing to no avail. I'm sorry, but if it were my amp I'd immediately replace them. Another cap I've had great success with as couplers is the MIT RTX styrenes. These caps ofter a certain dimensionality/depth/tactility that the teflons just can't duplicate.

Did you break in these Vcaps before you put them in your phono stage? I put a pair of Vcap TFTFs in my 300B SET amp last year. The first 200 hours were simply horrible. It was much worse than before.

After 400 hours, it became much better. Great caps.