Power Plant Premier making sound worse?

I have 2 new dedicated lines installed using Telsaplex outlets. I have 3 Kubala-sosna Emotion PCs feeding an Ayre V5Xe, Ayre K5xe and Ayre C7xe. They were all plugged into the PPP, a Lossless PC feeds the PPP from one of the dedicated lines. I noticed a buzzing sound that went away from the PPP so out of concern I shut off the PPP and fed all the Ayre stuff to the outlets directly (amp to one outlet, preamp and CD player to other) via all KS PCs. It sounds much better, more texture and detail. I am very surprised so I am not sure if there is an issue with the PPP or should I just get rid of it? Please comment
"If" there is too much draw with all componenets pluggedinto the PPP that could result in distortion.
I suggest experimenting further.
Try using the PPP for just the digital: then just the pre; then pre & digital together.
Unless the PPP is faulty I expect you will have positive results. Would be interested to hear your results.
Well, those brutal nickel plated outlets on the PPP may have something to do with it.
As Solecky said, experiment. There's no universal rule of application with these things. It is very common for only front end gear to be power conditioned. Many, many listeners prefer their amps directly connected to the wall. I've also heard from more than a few that didn't like conditioning at all after they got dedicated lines.
I tried the LessLoss PC from the wall to my PPP and did not like it. I preferred the PS Audio cords in that position. Different story using the Lessloss from the PPP to my preamp. Liked it a lot.

Similarly using a PS Audio Duet, I did not like the LessLoss from the wall to the Duet as much as a PS Audio cord but liked the LessLoss from the Duet to my amps.

I run a dedicated line to a single outlet so I need the Duet and PPP or something similar.