Clarity Caps vs Kimber kaps

looking to upgrade my B&W 602s3s
WOW got to ask how much of a improvement can I expect from the supreme Mundorf over the Clarity SA caps.
The Mundorfs are slightly better than the Clarity CAP SA.. The SA's are a little flat, and exagerrated in some balance details, more compressed sound... This will totally depend on the application, some equipment can be better with one or the other, but in this case the mundorf Silver/oil is a bit better, but at a cost obviously.

The best cap out of all of them and nearly equal to the best duelunds are the Clarity cap MR's.. However they are even more expensive than the Mundorfs best, but they are better than any of the mundorfs if you want solid dynamics, super smooth distortion free, and the best bass.

Auricaps the yellow ones I believe are just copies of the kimber caps, same manufacture, they both are not good to me from past uses, and are now overpriced, 5 years ago you could get them for 3 to 10 bucks a cap, they are like 5 times the price now just from popularity created over the name and being in a few hi end companies components pushing them as a "Upgrade"...
I think for money I will buy some Clarity Caps. I really thank all for help. Second opinions still count. I will be buying these in near future.