Pass Labs X250 meter failure

The meter on my amp quit functioning. It may have happened when I accidentally pushed the power button on, then off, then on again, in quick succession. I had read somewhere that this can cause the problem. I rarely look at it, so when I discovered it not working, I looked online to figure out why it quit. I emailed Pass Labs to see about a repair, and was informed I could send it back to them to have a new meter installed, which would run over 400 dollars.

I was wondering if anybody has had the same problem, but was able to repair the meter themselves. I realize the failures may not be similar, but I'm still interested if anyone has repaired it. I haven't even looked into the amp yet, as I never use the meter anyways. If it was an easy fix, maybe I'd open it up. Maybe.
This is exactly why I never liked the meters. Superperfluous parts leading to added intitial purchase cost and later on potential added expense for repair. Never mind the inherent distraction the meters bring into ones listening room/home theatre.
Audiofeil....did you not notice the exclamation marks at the end of the sentence? In this case it was meant as a humorous jab.
How much money do you think Pass stands to make on a minor repair like this factoring in parts, labor, paperwork, shipping, etc?
Pass is not going to pay for these things,the customer will.Unless of course,the unit is under warranty,which it obviously isn't since they were going to charge the man over $400.00.Sorry if I hurt your feelings when I used your buddies as the butt of my joke.
Hi guys, am I wrong ,but it seems that a lot of Pass gear
is going back the factory for adjustment or repair.
Don't get me wrong, I love Nelson Pass. His DYI web set
is cool. However I feel that my coments
are not without basis. If I am full of crap,login to AG
and let me have it. BTY I find Pass is the 2nd best SS amp.dr
I've owned many Pass products- never had a problem. I know a couple of people who did have issues, and Pass exceeded their expectations for service- without exception.

I have an idea- why not CALL PASS and talk to them before we start questioning their integrity.