Will there be any 'Arrow' mark in a Fuse holder?

Hi Everybody, I am new to this Forum. Please clarify that,

Will there be any 'Arrow' mark in a fuse holder to show

the direction to fix a fuse? Will all type of fuses have

'Arrow' mark? I need the advices to upgrade the fuses.

In one of a forum, I read the following 'Message'as follows:-

"The fuse has to be parallel to the overall direction of the sine waves coming from the wall socket and into you audio gear. If they enter at an unusually steep angle, the top (or bottom) peaks and throughs will get clipped off or attenuated and you will get jagged or almost square waves in you signal. The resulting SQ will be harsh and grating to the ears. Prolonged usage may damage the speaker coils as well."

So, friends,please give me a clear picture to replace a

'fuse' in my Preamp and DAC. Thank you.



Should be able to measure SOMETHING about the fuse's conductive differences, right? Those of you with means, and one of these exotic fuses in mention, O-scope the fuse's A.C.(60Hz) input and output (with your component powered up), then flip the fuse and measure again!
Bdgregory, I too find I am skeptical without some explanation for why a tweak might work, but I am also convinced by a demonstration. I have heard nothing that would explain why fuse direction would matter, nor why there might be differences between fuses except for the materials in fuses, etc. My experiences with tweaks run the gamut from worthless, such as copper tubing over the pc entering the IEC, to minimum value, such as the Brilliant Pebbles, to a great improvement, such as isolating the pcs from the floor and walls, and variable tweaks, such as quartz disks made by Acoustic Revive and others. In some placements, they do nothing, in other they do wonders, and yet in others they are terrible.
Tgb, with 100s of customers reporting, results with pebbles vary, with best results circa 50-200%.

For those bringing down the curve, most likely operator error.
My problem if you will is that I see two questions on all these products. 1) does it work? 2) does the vendor explanation make any sense?

for 1) I most often need to listen myself. FOr #2 I find if the explanation is BS I automatically form a negative opinion of the entire shebang. Not fair or even smart but personally I tend to lump everything from a source as BS once they hit me once with it.

Not saying I'm an expert on lots of this stuff but on some thing I dont really need to be. Example? Well to read many releases there is more cutting edge quantum physics going on in the audio world than in the physics world. Really gotta doubt that. ANother is the argument that vaccinations are bad for kids. I'm no immunologist but when the argument is so laded with errors and "read on the internet" stuff as opposed to years of boring science you gotta call BS.
For those bringing down the curve, most likely operator error.

Brilliantly funny!