Hdm, "High purity isoprpopyl alcohol is really an ineffective or unnecessary cleaning agent."
Exceptionally good advice. We take this stuff WAY too far.
Speaking as a chemist/material science engineer, when alcohol comes in very high purity, it does so with commensurately high cost. As soon as you open the bottle, that is money wasted. Why? With that high a concentration of alcohol, simply opening the bottle causes it to absorb such a high amount of water it will actually appear to be smoking. And, again, what is the impurity? Yes, it's water, absorbed from the air. That's why a product like Everclear is 190 proof, and not 200. Unless the precautionary steps are taken all the way through, including the end user, 95% (190 proof) is as good as it gets in the natural world.
So, since you're going to be diluting the alcohol in water anyway, let's apply a bit of common sense to the formula. Then again, this is high-end audio...