One other thing I just thought of I will say is that my Dynaudios on my same system can sound a tad bright sometimes, perhaps more so with digital. THere is a consensus though with users that they can be a tad towards the bright side with some gear compared to others, so I attribute it to that. Nothing offensive either, just a slight propensity towards teh bright side. Few speakers are perfectly neutral.
My OHM Walshes though, are generally regarded as having pretty flat response and zero brightness with digital or analog there. They also use a Walsh style driver up to 8Khz or so, then a separate conventional tweeter kicks in. Perhaps there is something in the radically unconventional OHM CLS Walsh driver design that is the magic antidote?
I have heard digital on more conventional high end reference systems at dealers not sound bright either, so I think there is several ways at least perhaps to solve the problem you allude to from what I have heard.
My OHM Walshes though, are generally regarded as having pretty flat response and zero brightness with digital or analog there. They also use a Walsh style driver up to 8Khz or so, then a separate conventional tweeter kicks in. Perhaps there is something in the radically unconventional OHM CLS Walsh driver design that is the magic antidote?
I have heard digital on more conventional high end reference systems at dealers not sound bright either, so I think there is several ways at least perhaps to solve the problem you allude to from what I have heard.