Intro system budget problem

Im new, and I mean the blissfully ignorant to anything Hifi new (dont take that the wrong way, I know its a fever :P). Well I just took my first step into the realm and purchased a pair of Ohm Acoustics Microwalsh Tall SE's. The problem? I need everything else. I have a $2500 budget now at $1000 dollars for everything else (will have future upgrade investments). In the 3-4 weeks it will take the Ohm's to ship out here, I would like to have something ready to use and (not)abuse them. I was informed by numerous friends that speakers should be the single largest investment so I threw a good amount of my budget at the Ohms.

Again I dont know much about audio, the setup, or specifications and I need everything, speaker wire, receiver(integrated?) and whatever else. What I know is my out of the box cheap walmart Sony receiver 5.1 HT setup in a small 12'x16' room. I stream music to the receiver via media server support from my computer. I have iPod but no connection to receiver.

I have done a lot of reading on this forum prior to me making my account today and I appear to have a very strict budget (for the hobby), and would just like to be at least pointed in the right direction before I blindly go about building my system all wrong in specifications.

Thank you for your insights!

I would opt for the Peachtree iDecco. It has rec'd great reviews and has a DAC for your computer audio files. NAD is also a good choice but the Peachtree gives you a good sounding DAC.
The one thing I can tell you for sure is that your friends are not giving you good advice when they tell you to spend the most money on speakers. I know they mean well but spending money is a lot different than matching components. Your system is only as good as its weakest link. All the components have to work together as a system. Quite often you will be surprised at how much more you like a less expensive component over over something more. That said, I am not that familiar with your speakers so I can't make any specific recommendations but from what I see from Jazzerdave and Gz3827's posts, you are definitely going in the right direction. Another brand I would look at is Cambridge audio. I have had good luck with some of their components and should fit in with some of the other brands mentioned.
Keep in mind sb touch requires logitech media server program but it does integrate with itunes.
Thanks for all the help, I think I made my decision with the peachtree. Once everything arrives I will chime back in with my first timer POV on the system (probably smiling ear to ear).
I think that will be a very nice sounding rig for very reasonable cost.

Keep us posted!