DIY Speaker wire

I have read multiple posts about using 10 awg solid core copper wire for speaker wire. Anybody use 10-3 romex? It has 3 shielded wires and one bare inside a plastic sheath. I am bi- ampping and am considering using this for each side instead of (4) single wires.
OMG, you mean you guys are actually using impure cables! OMG, OMG, what's next!

So nice of you guys to bring some sanity from (some) of those that have drunken of the Kool-aid.

Go forth with your impurities and fight the good fight!
What about using solid core thermostat wire as speaker cable?

Southwire 18/5 Thermostat wire.

I saw this mentioned on the net before and seemed like something fun and inexpensive to try out.
I just ordered 4 sets of your silver plated copper wire to run in while I braid 750 feet of solid core (THHN thanks Grannying and Mechens!) I'm thinking this project might just bE DIWF (do it with friends) instead of DIY....
I made some from the "patio- cord" extension cords sold at big box retailer's.
It sounds fine, I wasn't sure at first but either it broke-in over time or my ears adjusted- I'm never really sure which. I'd do a double-blind test, but I live alone and I can be very convincing and quite gullible. Oh, and I've read recently that all copper made these days is oxygen free. I don't believe everything I read, nor do I believe everything I think.Try it- If you're a tinkerer you'll swap it out eventually any way. I've spent more and gotten less. Of that, I AM certain!