Blackness - how quiet does it need to be?

In almost all gear of any substantial value the concept of the blackness, quietness or low noise floor comes up. A reviewer might say that the noise floor was noticably lower when reviewing a particular piece compared to another. Now I get that low noise translates roughly to being able to hear more music and nuanced detail. Thing is, when I turn on my system and no music is going through it, I can't hear anything, unless I put my ear right up to the speaker and the AC isn't running and the fan isn't on, etc. And with music on the only thing I hear is any recorded hiss that might be from the recording. So what I dont get is when they say a piece of equipment sounds quieter, do they mean somehow that the hiss on the recording is lower? I cant see how that would be possible, or are they talking about the hiss of the equipment without muisc? In which case I cant hear it at all when sitting down on my couch. I don't have the world best gear, so I'm thinking are they overplaying the "quiet" card.
I think your "A. If i have that right..." explains your "D. But having said that...".
You were correct at "A" .
If I understand this.

All the best,
NoNoise, I'm not trying to be contentious. But, I don't think system noise
floor is entirely program material-dependent. If you had a very good
recording (let's stick with vinyl since that's what I'm more familiar with),
quiet pressing, good quality recording, etc., a system with a lower noise
floor is going to reveal more that is on that recording - more music -and all
the descriptors that come with good fidelity- dynamic shadings, tonality, etc.
with less ambient 'gunk' (my scientific term) from the system itself to
obscure what is on the record.
I base this on my experience in using horns with extreme efficiency- where
the sound of the electronics, the AC power, etc. is revealed with
ruthlessness unless the system is very, very quiet. I am raising this not to
advocate a position, or to say that horns or vinyl or whatever is better, but
just to focus specifically on the question of 'noise floor' of the system itself
and how it bears on musicality of home reproduction. And, as mentioned, i
judge it not from how 'noisy' the system is at steady state without a record
playing (although that can be relevant i guess) but how revealing the
system is at low volume with music playing.

BTW, i appreciate your response.

I think I see your point: system noise floor is independent of whatever is playing.
And until something is playing, you can't really judge or appreciate it.

Dense, that I am, I still believe that a system such as yours (and I'd like to think mine) with a very low noise floor will reveal the shortcomings (higher noise floor) of a recording rather than mask it.

I think we are both saying the same thing but in different ways or I'm not quite getting it. Oh well, off to work and have a great day.

All the best,
Blackness has to do with intermodulation distortion. This is a property of all preamps and amplifiers. The lower the IM, the more the unit will be perceived as having a 'black background'. In principle it functions the same way in analog gear as Kijanki described in digital gear.

To lower IM, you have to increase linearity. The supplies have to be quiet, and incapable of modulation due to signal level.

Of course, the equipment should be low noise too :)

1. given the original limits of record cutting and playback equipment at the time, stuff was heavily EQ'd and dynamics were often constricted, essentially 'gain riding' to bring up the level of the soft passages to overcome inherent noise in vinyl playback.

This statement is incorrect. LP mastering is one of the more unlimited audio processes in existence. The LP cutter has dynamic range far in excess of digital or tape and challenges the best microphones. It also has crazy bandwidth which is why CD-4 LPs were able to be made in the 1970s (CD-4 used a 50KHz subcarrier FM-stereo modulated into the grooves).

The limit of the LPs is in the playback. A cutter can make grooves no tone arm or cartridge could ever hope to track and it can do so without a hint of overload. But such grooves might throw a stylus and arm right across the record. All the processing comes in (dynamic limiting and the like) so you don't have to be all that careful to exceed playback limitations. Its just the record labels being lazy.
There is signal and there is noise. Nothing else.

Signal is the good. Noise is the bad.

If more noise leads to better signal, that does not make the noise good. It just means there is a correlation between the two for some reason and the benefits of the signal outweigh the disadvantage of the noise.

If I hear ANY noise in my system, it bothers me. It means something is not right and needs to be fixed. Even noise that you may not hear explicitly is detrimental to what you might be hearing otherwise.

In summary, noise is something that must be dealt with but it is ALWAYS BAD, NEVER GOOD.