why performance increase after pause?

Anyone notice that after pausing, once the gear is fully warmed up and has played several cuts, it immediately sounds better and then after a while levels off as before? I have several amps and notice the same thing with all of them. Could it be the CDP, pre, speaker crossovers cooling down?
Davehrab, which CD player specifically have you found this to work with? The same with more than one of the same model?

I'd have to think that if this works the player is either defective or poorly designed and would be looking elsewhere.
I have found Davehrab's tweak to work on virtually every CD player or transport I've had--Krell, Sony, EMM Labs, Forsell. Some people call it "jogging the laser". Never understood why it happened, but it does seem to happen (things sounded a little more focused to me), if only for a short time.
"I have found Davehrab's tweak to work on virtually every CD player or transport I've had--Krell, Sony, EMM Labs, Forsell."

If so then one more reason to dump the CD player and go to a music server.

Does anyone hear a similar effect with a music server?
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Csontos ... isn’t that something ... truth is stranger than fiction .. why ... because Fiction must be believable ... you have good ears

Mappman ... since 1999 I’ve only owned two CD players a Denon D5000 and a Ayre D1ex ... both of these are premium machines featuring multiple transformers, linear power supplies, premium caps and resisters from the factory , multi bit 1704 Burr Brown K dacs

The Denon has a OP Amp based analog out .. it’s only weak point and the Ayre has a Class A no negative feedback FET based analog output ... basically a Class A preamp vs some under achieving integrated all on one chip amp

The Ayre doesn’t screech on the peaks like most OPamp based CD and dac’s analog output’s section do

In both these player the slight improvement in the PAUSE RESET REPLAY sequence is clearly audible ... but hardly worth the effort when listening for pleasure and relaxation

Rcprince ... your experience’s mirror mine exactly ...especially the shortness of duration and why I don’t subscribe to this practice when just listening for pleasure