Static electricity Killin me.

Everytime I get up and touch any part of my rig I shhot a two inch lightning bolt onto my equipment. It's gotten so bad that I'm picking the equipment I figure it has the least impact on to shock, before I touch the piece that I'm actually after. You guys experience the same thing? And if so, what's the best way to get rid of the buildup? Speaker binding post? Cd player chasis? If I touch the wadia 170i first, it actually stunts it for a second.
I actually killed my wall thermostat w/static elec once and had this problem w/my stereo in cold, dry Virginia. I solved it by grabbing one leg of my metal rack before touching a component.
I found that using a humidifier and not using rubber soled slippers/shoes worked for me.
Using a humidifier makes the most sense since low humidity is the cause of the problem.
B-limo, get some blank cd cases or paper cups to put under the cables. See if this stops the big arcing going on.

Open the cd case so it can support itself and then run the cable over the top. They only need to be spread out about every 3'.

The paper cup needs to be cut and slotted on the bottom. This is a really cheap way to see if raising the cables off the carpet helps. Do this and see if you still get shocked without doing anything else.

It's pretty cold and dry here in Reno too!
I tired my bedroom humidifier in the living room and it did the trick. Out here in the San Fernando Valley it's gotten really cold (for us) and extremely dry so I was arcing really good when touching my integrated.

Not finding another humidifier I wanted at the local stores, I tired a simple, small bowl of water near the window and it did the trick. There appears to be just enough evaporation going on to offset the static electricity.

I wish all things worked this well and cheaply.

All the best,