Musical Fidelity is really makin me mad

Okay, I agree I'm not the most patient person in the world but Musical Fidelity is really upsetting me. First of all, there is no e-mail address on their website; does anyone know how to e-mail musical fidelity direct? I've been waiting for what seems like forever to get my dac repaired under factory warranty. The board went out on it 6 months after I bought it.
Has anyone else out there experienced this crappy customer service from musical fidelity? My advice to you would be not to buy anything from musical fidelity, and if you have to get parts from them, just throw your broken component in the trash and move on.
my update. i called audio advisor customer service and told my tale again. they got on it and a week later called back saying a new v-link would be on its way from tempo sales. yesterday i recieved a new v-link 11 [even tho i sent a v-link 1] which is a nice upgrade. 9 months. audio advisor called again to check on delivery. i had really given up because i wasn't going to let 150 buck purchase ruin my day[s]. i am convinced that without the last call to customer service at audio advisor i would have never seen the v-link 11.
saaweet! glad to hear that you got a new v-link!! are you selling it before it breaks, to someone who hopefully hasn't read this thread, lol, ;-)
haha,,,not much confidence spreading from this discussion....i didn't realize mfs ability to direct people to choosing products from other manufacturers. i'm gonna use it till it breaks but i have moved on....
Laughed seeing the first reply of Jmcgrogan2's--so true! One of the reasons I stopped subscribing to Stereophile was Tellig's Musical Fidelity fanboy column and the tons of adverts for them in each issue. Can see it now--thirty cases of Scotch in someone's basement! Lol!!! "Unbiased" reviewing indeed.