Am I missing something?
O.K.- Just what the h**l is the above? Is it so obvious that I'm missing the point? Have I lost my sense of logic? Am I understanding correctly, that simply placing this 'alarm clock' somewhere in my listening room, I will hear improved sonics?
I actually have a bag of lizard bones I hang over my preamp , a Walrus uterus that I place in the corners of my listening room to draw unwanted energy from the sweetspot and I had corpse hair cross stitched into the lining of my subs for damping effects . Sadly , none of these Voodoo tweaks made any real improvements. The " clocks " however have made a startling change that even the jaded would at least ... have to admit makes a difference . This isnt the moment to digress on this accessory suffice to say I am for one , engaged with its effects at present. Maybe one should try a thing before dismissing a thing.
The real issue is does it work? How it works, if it does, could be scientific (physical) or psychological (metaphysics.) Science-based devices work better for me, because I can relate to that kind of "how." But I'm perfectly willing to accept that some folks operate on a different "plane" than I do, and to recognize that suggestion can be a very powerful thing indeed.
Before each listening session a 98 year old Japanese woman peforms Reiki therapy on my speakers, not to mention that my record brush is made from the hair of a 16th century Castrato. So I guess a clock doesn't seem _that_ insane.
Darn, Brainwater, I was hoping that my next upgrade, the walrus uterus, was going to be the ticket to finally get my system over the hump. You sure know how to rain on a guy's parade.

Oh well, back to the drawing board. Hey, there's always that jar full of rocks...