Absolutely beautiful gear

I would never buy something because of how it looked, but I have seen a few things that stopped me in my tracks. Since there is currently an ugly gear thread I wonder what people have seen that they think is gorgeous???

I was stunned by how beautiful the Teres 360 with the custom base was when I saw it in Denver. See Alberts pictures!
Bignerd100, I wish I knew.
I wish I knew how a Lamborghini handled.

It's just glossy audio porn to me. :-)

Someday............yeah right!

I own the Musical Fidelity X-Pre, X-Psu and X-LPS because of their good sounds, but the (IMHO) beautifull looks add a lot to my listening pleasure.
And I bought a Philips cassette deck, the 5846, just for its looks and the fact that I couldn't afford it when I was young...: Philips