Misleading ad titles and prices

Is it me or have I noticed a trend toward putting a low price in the ad title that does not exist in the ad?

I have seen it mostly among sellers that have lots of items to move and some retailers. The "call" or "$$" or "99999" etc. as price I understand. They want you to read the ad or contact them for price. Still there are misleading prices out there designed only to attract attention with no item at that price or intent to sell at that price.

I feel if I ignore these ads as opposed to complaining I am condoning the behavior and contributing to the erosion of honesty on this site. Or is it me? Am I being to anal?
I too ignore the ads (there is a dealer section). I tried to start a thread on this and it was yanked.

I hate when I get my thread yanked.

Happy listening,
Misleading and dishonest are pretty close. "I mislead him but I was honest" is for me a contradiction. Im with BDgregory....If I spot um, I ignore um....
As mentioned this is ussualkly a dealer atctict one that does suck.They can give a set sale price ort give one with o.b.o like the rest of us.Ocassionally when somebody isn't aware what something is worth or what they are willing to sell/trade for it's legit thing to post but this is the rairty and again it's dealers usually who are the culperetes need;lessly.Maybe AUDUIOGON deffering to the buck of the retailers won't stop it but if we re-post our gripe over and over it may if notstop copmletely at least lessen.It's true some folks smartly skip those $99999 ads (why not $88888?) but others don't because they want the most info they can garner on a particular product so it's up to us to repeadtedly re-post our gripe just the way did here.Then maybe retailers will get the idea.