As mentioned this is ussualkly a dealer atctict one that does suck.They can give a set sale price ort give one with o.b.o like the rest of us.Ocassionally when somebody isn't aware what something is worth or what they are willing to sell/trade for it's legit thing to post but this is the rairty and again it's dealers usually who are the culperetes need;lessly.Maybe AUDUIOGON deffering to the buck of the retailers won't stop it but if we re-post our gripe over and over it may if notstop copmletely at least lessen.It's true some folks smartly skip those $99999 ads (why not $88888?) but others don't because they want the most info they can garner on a particular product so it's up to us to repeadtedly re-post our gripe just the way did here.Then maybe retailers will get the idea.