buyer beware of late

Did anyone else respond to the "unbeleavable" listings lately, like the B&W 800's for $3000 or the N802's for $ members with no feedback. I received the message from Audiogon saying the members were "questionable" and not to do business with them. Same thing happened today with a listing for a Jadis integrated amp. I guess the only safe bet is to stay away if there's no feedback..but that doesn't do much for the legitiment new members trying to get established.
Ag insider logo xs@2xdave43
try COD with them.So the new memer will get feedback and the crook will refuse to do it.
I spotted three adds in "full range speakers" last night that looked very questionable. All ended with the word "used." All the adds were marked sold within just a few minutes of being opened and they had shared feedback. Looked liked feedback fraud to me.
I hear you. I find myself asking these new members with O feedback if they will ship and use Escrow. Of the few I have contacted most reply no or I get no reply at all. We were all new at one time and it is more difficult today then what is was in the past. It does make it tough on new members that are legit and want to get started in buying and selling in this crazy hobby.
Hey if its to good to be true and you cant phone the seller or get a location, ITS TO GOOD TO BE TRUE!
Hello every one !
Is there anyone know anything about this specific member who posted a cremona auditor speaker for sale for a $ 1,000 last Nov.24,2005.well as you said it is so hard for some of us (buyer)to decide if we are going to purchase item from a seller who have a zero FB,but we always want to be the first
buyer to an item which at very low price.Anyway i did not get lucky on this one,IS THERE ANYONE OUT THERE GOT VICTIMIZED BY THIS USERNAME Karenmaguire ?Please let me know.Thanks.