Vintage systems- anyone else?

My 2 channel audio system is completely vintage, and I enjoy it very much. I have very little disposeable income for audio, so vintage seemed like my best opportunity to build a system to enjoy.

I have absolutely nothing against new gear, other than I can't afford it. Anyone else taken the vintage path and enjoy the results?

time IS the final judge of any component's character. my ar classic 30's out perform any loudspeaker i've had in my home....and cost almost nothing. my gradient revolutions are nice, but compare to the older ar's, chapmans, or hales i've come to realize that high fidelity and hi end are no longer joined at the hip.
unsound, I am not going to set an age on what would be considered vintage. It would probably be different for many people. When I mentioned my vintage system, it all consists of 60-70's gear, except for the cartridges.

If you feel you have something that qualifies for vintage, tell us about it and how you feel about it.

Plato, it sounds like you and I are experiencing the same thing with vintage.

To make sure no one here will misread my intentions, I have absolutely nothing against new gear and would never bash anyones system. I mostly see folks here who are enjoying the newer stuff and don't see many talking about vintage. Hence my question.

Most of my vintage gear has worked it's way downstairs to my gym. There I have a Dynaco preamp feeding 2 Dynaco mark 3 mono amps, going to an original set of Bose 901's. I use an old Mcintosh tube tuner and a Kinergetics cd 40 as my source. It still rocks even when I'm to tired to.
I too have a soft spot for older vintage systems. My senior system consists of a Scott 340B receiver, Klipsch Industrial Ported Heresy's and a Linn LP12 turntable with the Adkit cartridge. I use radio shack interconnects and 14 gauge speaker wire. This system gets alot of things right. I can listen to jazz for hours without fatigue.