Audio Tweak gone bad...similar experiences?


As I said in a post earlier this morning, my right channel of my Classe DAC-1 has stopped working...I think I know what happened. I found a penny and placed it on top of my right channel speaker in hopes to "improve" the sound...Something that I was inspired by after reading some of the posts on Clever Little Clock. Got myself an atomic clock in my listening room which seems to help, so I was wondering if other things would help as well...Come to find out I think that the penny ruined my DAC! I have no other explanation for it other than that, so DAMN, that will be the last time I try that!

blue tac under the penny works good, the super mini vibro pods work less good, plus remember to de ox the penny once a month
I have found NOS pennies from the 50s work the best. Early 60s NOS pennies are ok, but anything newer you are just wasting your money. Just my 2 cents....
Was the penny oxygen-free? Sometimes the OF pennies, in a desperate attempt to obtain oxygen (especially the older ones), will steal oxygen from nearby components. (I've had tweeters, CDPs, even cables go like this.) I think you had such a penny, and your DAC was the victim. I'd do a diagnostic on the DAC, checking for blue ICs or a faint wheezing in the output stage.
I find dimes to work better because of the silver content vs the copper in pennies.
Don't forget to give this information to Classe's repair facility. They probably have a quick fix as this is a common cause of equipment dailures. Also, the techs could use a good laugh.