Audio Tweak gone bad...similar experiences?


As I said in a post earlier this morning, my right channel of my Classe DAC-1 has stopped working...I think I know what happened. I found a penny and placed it on top of my right channel speaker in hopes to "improve" the sound...Something that I was inspired by after reading some of the posts on Clever Little Clock. Got myself an atomic clock in my listening room which seems to help, so I was wondering if other things would help as well...Come to find out I think that the penny ruined my DAC! I have no other explanation for it other than that, so DAMN, that will be the last time I try that!

An atomic clock on top of each speaker works wonders. Might even fix your problem.
1. make sure the penny doesn't fall and short across your speaker leads

2. you gotta use a wheatie (wheat eared pennies don't have that harsh solid state sound)

3. only then are you ready to take the tweakies advice above (all of which I agree with... especially when the pieces of advice are in direct disagreement)
I haven't laughed this hard in a LONG time (seriously, tears here). Thanks, Ben.