Music volume? What about your sound level?

Just got a Rat Shack sound level meter and find it interesting.I think I listen to my music pretty loud, but wonder about others of us.

Average listening levels 78-82 db
When I turn it up 84-90 db

Wonder how this compares to you folks.

spl readings dont tell the truth from my listening chair,i measure spl's at 3ft but i sit at 20ft,still its as loud as a concert.

thanks for the tip hwy,i read a blog somewhere where a guy took some crazy rig up to about 150 spl for an entire song & got sick & had to lay down for the rest of the day,now that's too loud.

i blast it out real good but im carefull not to listen like that for extended periods.
Bigjoe, no amount of care will save you if you really hit 120+ db spl. Think of "realistic levels" within the context of your room and try to limit the musical peaks (short loud passage) to a MAXIMUM of ~100db spl at yr listening position.
my RS meter is reading low 80's db range (81-84 db, measured from my listening position) for my normal high volume level. My normal background listening levels are probably in the 70-74db range. I haven't tested it, but I think for the few albums that I MUST listen to loud, it probably approaches 95db, but I doubt I go any louder than that.

This is actually a little surprising to me. I would have guessed my normal levels were in the 90's
Via my RS digital meter, my usual listening loudness at the listening couch (~10 feet away from the speakers) is 75-80 dB
Average levels (classical): 62-78 dB SPL
Average Levels (rock): 70-76 dB SPL.