Listening at very low volume

Having owned many different speakers after 30 years of audiophoolishness, I own, for the first time, a pair of very efficient speakers. My Zucable Definitions are 101db! I have never been able to listen at such a low volume to music and experience the micro detail that I can with the Defs. Maybe it is because I'm getting older?--the fact that I enjoy listening at such ridiculously low levels? Of course, I can still go to earbleed levels with some good Marley, The Stones and the like, but the satisfaction of a four string bass in a jazz trio, quartet, etc. at low volumes was never in the equation with my previous speakers. The combination, as well, of SET with this efficiency is quite incredible. There are oodles of other wonderful characteristics regarding the Defintions, but after a long listening session last night, I was so taken back that I was not itching to crank my rig up because I was missing things. Anybody relate? peace, warren :)
I just turned 47 as well, so I can relate. I canceled my Playboy subscription when I hit 40 because my ability to read was getting so bad I had to hold the damn magazine at arms length so I could read the girl's hobbies. Might as well have been staring at them from a hill across the valley.
Warrenh...The low distortion and complete lack of compression possible with very low power amplification that is acceptable for a headset reminds me of the kind of sonic character that I hear with your high efficiency single driver speakers. An added bonus is frequency response that would put a subwoofer to shame, and complete lack of room resonances. And, the imaging possible when each ear is individually isolated is eyeopening. For quiet time listening in your easy chair headphones can't be beat.

Try it. You'll like it.
Warren, I can attest for the Headphones, try a otl headphone set out or a good pair of Grado. It truly is a experience. I however found the phones gave me a truly great sonic experience the speakers gave me something intangibly more. Perhaps the room acoustics or just the way the tubes interfaced with the transducers, it is hard to quantify but I sold my headphones and have not looked back.

With my amps I have tried a high end speaker switcher, a self made all copper switch (essentially dead men’s switches) but I have just gone back to all copper speaker banana plugs and just exchange them from the backs of the amps. Its just become so routine now that I don’t really think about it.
Gunbei, I can relate !
Can you tell daytime from night ? With a few drinks ?
As long as you can hear the gals say "yes we are gorgeous" the rest should fall into place.
Remember, always listen lowly and don't let your loins ache hehehe !!
BTW, I like listening to my rig at low levels very much esp. nightime.
I was just getting ready to start a thread on this subjuct. Is there a secret to getting good sound at lower levels ? I do listen sometimes at moderately high volumes, but when I am working and need to concentrate I like having music in the background. Although I love head phones, they don't work for background. As long as I have the headphones "on" my head the music is "in" my head and I have difficulty concentrating. Maybe I just need to retrain myself. But any suggestions would be appreciated.