do blind tests have any practical significance

do the results of a blind or double tests have any usefulness ?

a blind ab test does not prove anything. it only states facts, namely that a certain percentage of listeners were able to distinguish the sound of one component from another.

there are many issues as to the validity of these tests.

the question, "can a listener detect the sonic difference(s) between components", is never answered definitely by one test.

suppose a blind test is administered 10 or more times to the same group of listeners. assuming the first test is replicated 9 more times, there is a chance that there may be an inconsistency between the outcomes of the test.

suppose a statistically significant percentage, say less than 60 percent, for a large sample of listeners, identifies differences between 2 components, what does that mean ?

what is the application of such a result for a prospective buyer of a component ?
How bout this. Take a blind test and place a dollar value on the entire system. That is, if the components weren't purposely mismatched to limit performance. For someone to estimate a $25,000 value on a $3000 system (or visa versa)would be quite a reality check.

Too many people base their opinions on $$$ invested. I find that irritating and simple minded.

Sorry MrT, I didn't mean to wander off topic.
Mrtennis has been arguing about this for a while on the Stereophile website. I guess it's migrating...
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