upgrade dilemna

I have been using a Harmon Kardon AVR7200 as a pre for a Mcintosh MC352, I use a Behringer DEQ2496 for room correction and DA conversion, Tyler accoustic PD80s as fronts. I also have a HK DVD25 which I use as a transport for cds. I am only interested in a two channel setup.

I realize my weakest links are the DVD and using the HK as a pre. The system sounds fairly good but I feel I could use a little more detail. What would you recommend... a dedicated CDP for music or a different pre? Also which makes and models would you look into?

Thanks for your time.
If you like your speakers, I'll guess you do. Get rid of the MC352 to free up some more cash...thats "WAY" to much amp for those speakers...100 watts a side is overkill.

If you like MAC...stay with MAC tubed gear.


Pick up a tubed integrated or tube amp and tube preamp of your choice with a lot less power.

You should have enough cash left over for a nice cd player...or transport and DAC of your choice.

You will still have enough power to blow the roof off, and a lot better sounding system to boot.

There never seems to be a simple answer. I guess that's what makes it so fun :-)

Dave, you are right about the McIntosh, but I just hate the thought of seeing it go, call me stubborn!

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