How much CAN you spend?To me nothing beats heavy iron and for speaker stands and racks the Sound Anchors are excellent.maybe not as pretty as Billy Bags but not as expensive.Others I won' mention are as expensive and just don't offer the base you want especially with wood floors.But even without you can get a havey metal rack (there are others that have points isolating each shelf module and legs like (many in fact).but in either case just give yourself space you'll need and then exp[eriment with vibrapods,Panda Thumbs,Ayre Myrtle wood ect on the cheaper end then move up to more expensive set isolation (like Stillpoints) each shelf depending on the somponent and it sensitivity.If a turnatable were involved I'd got with a wall mount.The only thing I am not sold on rollerblocks given what some cost.The last and most problematic piece is the TV. since you want stability a wood platform again with experimention can really pay off.More threads are availible on this issue than just about anything else.But my main point is start with a heavy rigid framework and kill vibes from there.You can hace fun and frutrtration (kind of like Golf) but the pay off can be tremendous.Look at and if you see soemthing you like call up Bob Warzalla.he know more about stands,isolation and general Hifi abnout as well as anybody in the buiness.