Any UFC fans out there?

I thought last nights UFC 66 Pay per view was excellent. I'm curious if there are many audio fans out there that are catching on to the UFC? The two interests seem to be at opposite ends of the spectrum, but they have me hooked.
My audio buddy around the corner and I get every PPV. He is a tube guy and I am starting to lean to tubes also.

As for boxing verus MMA. MMA is much safer than boxing. If a fighter gets hurt badly in MMA the fight is stopped but, in boxing you get an eight count to recover a little then get your head pounded some more. How many people have been killed in legal MMA bouts? How many people have been killed in legal boxing bouts?

MMA is much more interesting to me. One has to know at least boxing, jiu jitsu and wrestling. If you don't know one of these you will be exposed.

I agree with the thought that MMA will soon take over boxing in popularity.
I'm hooked, usually watch a few hours every thursday eve on Spike.
Yes, it's violent, but watching Chuck Liddell tool around in his Ferrari, that seems like a fair trade. Some of these guys would be fighting in bars anyway, it's just the way it is, there's alot of violent dudes out there.

I'd say other than the cuts, boxing is much more likely to do you serious damage, due to a much higher volume of punches over a much longer career.
I find pro wrestling much more disturbing, where using chairs, hitting referee's, ganging up on opponents etc are all 'part of the game'. Even tho it's fake, what message is getting to the younger viewers?
I ain't what it used to be. The "Striker's" couldn't grapple and the "Grappler's" couldn't punch. Everything was pure and the David's went "head2head wih the Goliath's.
Everyone got scared of being choked-out, so they cross-trained and now it's all the same.
I love UFC and mixed martial arts competitions and do some training in that area, more for fitness goals than anything else. I have also been a fan of pro wrestling since a kid. That is my second most common topic I blog on for fun after audio!