Wife/girlfriend or audio: if you had to chose?

Say your wife or girlfriend (no kid involved) asked you to drop your passion for audio, sell your system and settle for a Bose Wave box - because she thinks that your hobby is a barely grown-up kid toy story that needs to stop (either invasive or expensive or just ridiculous to her friends and family).
What do you do? keep wife/girlfriend or your gear?
Just respond: Audio or Wife and in brackets years of relationship...

Audio (21)!
Post removed 
Is this a biblical parable? Are we supposed to substitute "gear" for Philistines? Heheh.

This conflict has nothing to do with what your hobby is, it's that you love something other than your girlfriend, and she doesn't like it.

Tvad has the best of both worlds. He has a loving wife that doesn't understand his passion for audio [but she tries], but is happy for him anyway because he's happy doing it.

But take my advice with a grain of salt. Right now I'm 0 for 0. Hah!
Wife 5 months,

Gundei, you sound like a wise young man!

My new wife does get fustrated at times cause she thinks I pay more attention to my audio home theater then her. She has a valid point and no material item should be more important In my life then my wife.

When life has it ups and downs and your in the slums in deep depression cause everything is going wrong like it once did to Job I don't think your audio system will care to much. It will not support you much or try to make you happy and pick you up cause she loves you dearly. And when the children she gave birth to come to jump on your lap to say they love you...how can that not make the downs become ups when one realizes the great family they have.

Sorry for being sentimental but it seems practical to me....?

When your wife walks away and your children tell you that you are an old fart only good to pay for their tuition, audio will be there to support you through the rough times. A good system is more loyal than a dog - this is why it is called high fidelity!
Well Beheme, thats one way to look at it....I guess!

There is the other side of the wife and kids leaving you when your down. I am most sure I got lucky and waited for one of the good girls with a great past history, but there are many woman who do trash on their men...I have known a few.

That still said, anything material leaves one empty in the end. Its happened to me many times and friends and family are the only way. Thats only my opinion however for what its worth!!

Happy listening however guys, as I go do some playing in my theater as soon as this NFL game is over...