Wife/girlfriend or audio: if you had to chose?

Say your wife or girlfriend (no kid involved) asked you to drop your passion for audio, sell your system and settle for a Bose Wave box - because she thinks that your hobby is a barely grown-up kid toy story that needs to stop (either invasive or expensive or just ridiculous to her friends and family).
What do you do? keep wife/girlfriend or your gear?
Just respond: Audio or Wife and in brackets years of relationship...

Audio (21)!
Beheme, I know your kidding, but thats my practical side speaking as usual!

The scary thing is your probably right about many having intimate relationships with their music. I once had an intimate relationship with a rock......Pet rock that is. Remember the wizard in the late 70's that packaged a rock in a box and said "its a pet rock" and I literly fell for it at maybe 9 years old!

When I lost it I was TOTALLY devasted and decided to go outside and get another to replace it. Well, It never worked and I never bonded with that one.

Happy listening!
Wife ( No longer needed one after 20 yrs), Audio ( I can trade, sell, buy with no complication ). At certain age, I love to look at the back of these amps more than what in the adult magazines.
01-06-07: Tvad
Does anyone make loudspeakers with nice tits and ass, and a supportive, loving demeanor?

01-08-07: Andrewdoan
Audio ( I can trade, sell, buy with no complication ).

Hmmmmmmmm............decisions, decisions..............

There is something to be said for looking at the bright side. If only we could find a way to combine the best of both worlds.

A loudspeaker (woman reference Grant?) with nice tits and ass, and a supportive, loving demeanor........trade, sell and buy with no complications..............things that make you go hmmmmmmmm....................... :)
>>If only we could find a way to combine the best of both worlds.<<

How about a speaker with 2 big woofers, a port in the front and back, that cooks dinner on time, and plays only as needed?
At certain age, I love to look at the back of these amps more than what in the adult magazines.


this is exactly what one of my friend said two months ago when coming out of my restroom he said: " 20 yrs ago, there were some Playboy mags here, now all I can see is Stereophile, Absolute Sound and Wine Spectator: what's the matter with you"

Thruth is, there are not that many women with curves like a Focus Audio Master or Rockport Arrakis who can sing that clean.