Wife/girlfriend or audio: if you had to chose?

Say your wife or girlfriend (no kid involved) asked you to drop your passion for audio, sell your system and settle for a Bose Wave box - because she thinks that your hobby is a barely grown-up kid toy story that needs to stop (either invasive or expensive or just ridiculous to her friends and family).
What do you do? keep wife/girlfriend or your gear?
Just respond: Audio or Wife and in brackets years of relationship...

Audio (21)!

If I remember well, we got off the wrong foot last time we stumble don each other in a thread...and since I know what you went through, I must agree with your post.

This being said, you have to take 90% of these posts with a grain of salt and keep your sense of humor. Wife vs. audio is a no-brainer for most of us: with time, most audio gear improve while women tend to lose all of their appeal. So go out there, trade, auction The old wife out with No Reserve!!!!
Andrewdoan, did I, really?!!!! gotta be kidding, just with the food, water and heat she sucked in the last 20 yrs I would have a $100,000 system in front of me...letting her go would cost more though...damned if you do, damned if you don't...
Well... it might depend on whether Duchess delivered it as a request, or an ultimatum. I don't take kindly to ultimatums, but then she's long since figured that out.

Since I'm a home-based dealer, the message would also be "git up off yo' wuthless a$$ an' git a REEL job!"

Geeze, I sure hope it never comes to that!
