Anyone remember The Warehouse?

Back in the mid to late 70's there was a California audio store called the Warehouse (or Stereo Warehouse) that sold mid-fi gear, the likes of Sansui, Pioneer, Kenwood, Bic Venturi, Bang and Olufsen, Marantz, United Audio Dual etc. They had a catalog and actually tested out components togehther in systems they assembled and listened to. They would sell these systems as package deals at discounted prices based on their listening experience with the system. You could also buy seperate components as well as the systems featured in their catalog. They had the systems pictured in the catalog. They sold mail order. I remember oredering a Sansui 8080 reciever from them in the late 70's and it was shipped by Yellow Freight company. I had to actually go out to the terminal to pick up that monster at a loading dock. Nice reciever though. The Warehouse was cool in it's day. It's too bad there aren't professional online dealers who actually assemble audiophile systems using various components, listen to them, rate them, and sell them as packages.(there are a few but more would be better) I've seen a few dealers online who recommend systems that they've packaged. It might help some of us poor fools who are searching in the dark, in system building. (especially the newbies)
I think you're referring to Warehouse Sound - they were in San Luis Obispo, Ca. They had great prices, and a better range of gear than some of the chain outlets (ie the Circuit Cities of the day). I bought my Infinity Monitor IIa speakers there - still have them today.

I agree with you - they were cool, and it's too bad someone like them doesn't exist today. Crutchfield is the closest I've seen to applying their business model, but they don't have the range of home audio Warehouse had - rather they emphasize car gear.
Bdgregory: Yes, San Luis Obispo. I couldn't think of the city in California. I believe you're right, it was called Warehouse Sound. I really loved their assembled systems concept and components. It was the only store I knew of that carried such a variety of gear. It brings back memories. I could barely afford mid-fi in those days.
I lived in Michigan at the time and I remember there catalogue. Jesus, I'm getting old!
Now you folks lossened some old neurons. I purchased my Sansui 8080 from Pacific Stereo in the mid 70's. Played the daylights out of it until about five years ago. Now my daughter has it and is still jammin' in her apt. while she attends her 2nd year at Chico State. That behemoth is still rockin hard after 30 years.