Regardless of how much you've spent...

do you like or love this hobby? in one form or another, I've been reading about audio for almost 17 years without a break. I have 17 years of continuous thoughts running around in my brain. When I go to bed, I dream about it, I click on all the webzines every day(even on my Sony PSP)and before I go to bed.
What say you?
From the days when TV's were only in Black and White and ours came with a record player as well. It took over my attention much more than TV. Followed quickly by my older brothers record player in which the front side had a speaker in it, and somewhere, probably underneath there were the electronics. Seems it was an Underwood?. When the Stromberg-Carlson with multiplex and record player came I began to play around with the speakers and adding others. Its been going ever since.
sadly I range from apathy to liking it okay. maybe it's the time of year...



what a timely inquiry.

last night, I almost threw my entire system out the window. this hobby can be the ultimate in frustration.


1. after waiting almost 6 months for the return of my tubed DAC from repair, it has been not working properly, i've been trying to diagnose what is going on.

2. audio racks which are too narrow, components that are too wide.

3. cables which have locking RCA,and hard to reach when you have limited space between the wall and the rear of your gear.

4. having to remove spiked cones each time you need to acess your gear.

5. BrightStar sandboxes, sand spilling all over the floor.

6. trying to unplug and plug in huge power cables into a Power conditioner without being able to see the outlets.

7. tugging on a cable then accidently removing another RCA cable, getting a huge hum which scares the crap out of you.

8. having to re-balence the height of your adjustable audiophile audio rack

9. having to move enormous speakers and cables to get to the rear of your system.

i could go on and on, but the above occured between 615pm and 745pm last night.

I think my neighbors think I am crazy for screaming in anger....

i screamed and cursed the maker of the DAC which was causing my anger. My neighbors must be asking themselves who the hell is this person is.

but yes, today I checked audiogon for more gear 6 times today so far.
Been at it for 35 years or so. It got worse a few years ago until I realized I was never going to get the ultimate system. It wasn't as important as my daughters' education.
Justlisten, relax man. Your frustration is a bit frightening.
It's been well over thirty years since I bought my first component. I enjoy reading about things out of interest, particularly technological and industry developments, but I don't obsess anymore about upgrades or equipment. For me, reading about most equipment is like reading about a $300,000 Ferarri or Rolls-Royce. It's neat to read about it I suppose, but I'll never own one and I really don't care or desire to own one. As time passes I find myself less interested in "things" and more interested in my music. I'm content. As the song says "Don't worry, be happy".