Cleaning silver faceplates?

I did a search on this subject, but didnt' find anything. Around the on/off buttons on my silver equipment (mainly my Classe amps), a "brownish" residue has built up over time, most likely smudges of dirt/oil from my fingertips. Can someone recommend a cleaning solution and/or method for this? BTW, I'm asking here first before even trying something as simple as water and elbow grease. Thanks.

I would bring 3 litres of javex to a boil, then fill your high pressure hose (min pressure of 3000 PSI)with the javex then spay the troubled area for 30 to 40 minutes.

I've done that, except I presoked the face with bleech and then used and ultra high pressure (7239.434 PSI pressure) and tried that for 6 hours and 52 minutes. No prevail...not sure what to do with it now.

Maybe flush it down the toilet????
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