Moving the beloved gear

Hi all,
I'm in the process of moving houses to a new town. This will be my first time moving my audio equipment. I have all the orginal boxes etc. Is there anything that I should know about storing it, moving it or anything else. Bad expereinces I can learn from and hope to avoid?

Good day to you all,
If you will be making several trips personally, I for sure would include my gear with one of those trips, rather than let movers handle it. Even if you rent a van to move some of your more important stuff. Otherwise, I agree with what everyone else says above.
i second sugarbrie's suggestion.

i would move evry component myself. infact, when i moved from queens to nassau county, about 25 miles, i transported, my amp, preamp, turntable, and cables. the mover shipped my records. i had sold my speakers so that was not a problem.

when it comes to audio gear i would rather use my car. at least i can blame myself, if i screw up. i don't want to get into an argument with a mover.
thanks for the great resposponses folks. Much appreciated. I think based on suggestions I will definately move the equipment myself, inn my car where I can have control over it. In particular the truntable.

kehut, thanks for the fine compliment. Onhgwy61, based on this move, I hope never to get divorced. I'm about pulling my hair out over this job, new town, starting grad school, crappy rentals... wow!???

Leaves me wondering why...

Take care folks and thanks for the support.

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