Kind of a mixed bag for me over the years, some great transactions some rough. On the buying side some of the nicer sellers were the ones who over rated condition or 'forgot' to mention that a product was modded or scratched. So who knows.
One thing I have found is that the definition of 'lowball' varies a lot. I had a couple things I asked about where the ad mentioned taking offers only to piss the guy off I think. To me 25% under asking price is about the lowball line, and my offer were maybe 20% down. Dosen't seem hard to reply "$xxx is my limit" or "let me see what else I get".
One thing I have found is that the definition of 'lowball' varies a lot. I had a couple things I asked about where the ad mentioned taking offers only to piss the guy off I think. To me 25% under asking price is about the lowball line, and my offer were maybe 20% down. Dosen't seem hard to reply "$xxx is my limit" or "let me see what else I get".