whats wrong with ebay?

Ebay seems to be having major problems - they "lost" a dispute I opened on a guy (which I had to redo)He had 4 negative(out of 5) feedbacks - he bid high a pair of speakers that he had no intention of buying - He sent me a profanity laced e-mail when I sent him a invoice and he also sent me another one when he left the neg. feedback taunting me about it -ebay let the guy leave negative feedback on my perfect account and said they cant do anything about it - I've sent a couple of emails to ebay(after finding the buried email link) with no response from them except that they cant do anything about the feedback. anyone else have a problem like this?
The best thing to do to prevent that sort of thing is use eBay's buyer filter when you create the listing where you can prevent buyers with excessive negatives from bidding at all.
Forrestc is absolutely correct. You should not ever let a person with that kind of feedback -- which is usually indicative of some kind of unreliable, spiteful nut case -- bid on your items. In the event you forget to install a filter regarding excessive negative feedback then: (a) insert a statement in your text that you reserve the right to cancel bids from any individual with what you deem to be excessive negative feedback; and (b) then cancel such a bid as soon as it is received.
Sorry that you had trouble with a b***sh1ter.
Ebay is funny in that to leave a 'feedback', they only give you 80 characters to give a full account of the transaction, yet to send a general enquiry to a seller about an Item they allow you 900 characters! Shouldn't It be the other way around, surely? I had a dispute with a seller a few ago regarding a very limited cd who assured me It was the limited version, after I received It I knew It wasn't what I expected but Ebay were not the slightest bit Interested in helping, I think they told me to get a lawyer and try and pursue myself. Bit hard when the seller was In a different country. Had to bite the bullet on that one. Ebay sucks on occasions.

Yeah, I finally found out about the preferences to restrict a certain level(you can only stop bidders if they have negative feedback) or bidders from out of the country - I did a google search of this guy and found a 8 page thread on Canuck audio mart about the guy and some of his past exploits - I sent this link to ebay but didnt hear anything back - like usual - I was kind of proud of the perfect feedback and worked hard to make sure my transactions went smoothly - well, I guess nothing in this world is perfect
Some jerk ruined my perfect fedback.
It was his very first Ebay transaction!
I think it was a competitor signing on to burn my reputation.
EBAY did nothing. My sales tanked after that. THANKS EBAY!