what kind of audiophile are you ?

since it is obvious that a boom box or car radio is all that is necessary for most people to enjoy music, hobbyists have other objectives.

as i see it, there are three types of audiophiles:

1) equipment fanatics
2) compulsive pursuers of accuracy
3) aesthetic appreciators of instrumental timbre

i am type 3) person, which one are you ?
I have said it before. Look at the word's derivation to be an audiophile you have to love music or sound. Is there some reason to try and apply labels to people who visit this site.Is your categorization comprehensive meaningful or important in some way. If you only care about the beauty of an instrument's timbre you are actually still a straight forward audiophile you are a sound fanatic. Timbre refers to the sonics of a single instrument and believe it or not it's root is the Drum think tympanny.
I would say I'm a combination #1 and #3. Since I don't know how to define "accuracy" in this hobby, I've conceded its pursuit.
I am all 3 but in mix ratio of strong two parts of#1 with equal parts of #2 and #3 .Love music though.Any good music is getting playing time here.