Audiophiles vs DIY-o-philes

Hi folks, I've been visiting the DIYaudio forum during the last weeks or so and it appears to me that the people who are discussing matters are often very well informed about the technical issues and often have a technical background as well. but sometimes I have the impression that these wonderful people are emphasizing the technical rather than the non-technical issues, like: how a unit really sounds. The term "musicality" is not for the techies but more for the non-technical audiophiles and musicians. But what does the audio-music-o-phile wants? Isn't that to get a "musical" and emotional sound that will bring him closer to "live"? This is a prelude to a very controversial issue that I want to discuss: are the audio-techno-philes who are measuring and DIY'ing things more concerned with measurement data and circuit topologies rather than with how a unit really sounds?

I've tried on numerous occasions to generate some excitement in doing some DIY hotrodding, etc on this site. Personally, I haven't gotten much response. I think many (maybe most) members of Audiogon have much more disposable income than I and like the aesthetic of the finely machined, ultra-expensive components. Not implying that this is wrong, I would definitely love to be in that game but for me, the audio quality is of almost sole importance and my budget has some very rigid constraints.
"the key to remember is the value in use equals the value in exchange"

I'm not sure what you mean here, but if you mean that your valuation of equipment is based on what the market will bear on resale then you are obviously not a DIYer. Modded equipment is well off the gold standard of branded commercial components.
hi dgarretson:

i have stated a principle of economics, namely that a consumer will pay a price equal to the value he/she places on an item, or what he/she believes it is worth.

the transaction has nothing to do with the market price.
it is based upon subjective value.

for example, if a used cd player is selling for $1500 and i think it is only worth $1000, i won't buy it. the fact that someone else will buy it is irrelevant. it is possible that someone may value the cd player at or above $1500, in which case, a sale is made.

by the way, audiophile amd diy-o-phile have different connotations. such terms may imply a desire to achieve a certain level of sound quality. however, some people are more confident. less lazy and more motivated to build something, than others. some people would prefer to let someone else do the work.
the DIY crowd is a different hobby than high end, just as collecting music is. one thing that's facinating is how audiophiles would love to believe that their equipment exhibits 'emotion'...most likely lodged in our heads from seeing 'the love bug' or '2001'as kids.

Expressed in terms of economic principles, the problem is that rapid price inflation at the high end has transformed audio into just another luxury goods market. A luxury goods market (e.g. yachts, exotic cars, art, and high-end real estate in NYC) is typically price inelastic. The higher the price the more sells. Valuation is set by intangible factors such as prestige associated with membership in an exclusive community. Luxury goods manufacturers maximize their profit margin at low volumes of production. So the more money chasing high end audio, the more the market fragments into niche suppliers. Currently it's starting to look like a mere reflection of the gilded age.

It's comforting to believe that valuation is a deeply personal matter, but the subjectivist notion of valuation carries the audio hobby further away from its moorings in performance and musical enjoyment as selection criteria. DIY helps to refocus the hobby on its original value proposition.